What If A Book Could Be More Than Words On A Page?

Imagine a world where every book you read sparks a new conversation.

Where every meeting is a chance to connect with like-minded individuals.

Where your reading journey becomes about transforming your life.

Welcome to One Helluva Book Club!

One Helluva Book Club is more than a place to talk about books. It’s a community where conversations spark real change. Here, we dive into self-improvement books that don’t just inspire us. They challenge us to grow in ways we never expected. But we’re not just here to read; we’re here to take action.

Together, we turn the pages into steps forward, supporting each other every step of the way. This isn’t just a book club. It’s a space where casual chats become the foundation for powerful transformations in our lives.

What makes One Helluva Book Club The Place To Be?

We meet virtually once a week, creating a space for meaningful discussions where we unpack the lessons from each book and figure out how to apply them to our lives.

This isn’t just about sharing our thoughts; it’s about supporting each other as we implement real change. You'll learn from different perspectives, ask questions that spark growth, and become part of a circle of trusted friends.

Why join?

Deep, meaningful discussions

Go beyond the surface with conversations that encourage vulnerability and personal growth.

Take action:

We don't just read—we act. Together, we explore how to take steps that make the books come alive in our everyday lives.

A safe space:

Build connections in a community where you can be yourself, share openly, and feel supported.

Are you ready to turn your reading into real-life action?

One Helluva Book Club is waiting for you. Come join the conversation that will change your life.

Here's The Inside Scoop: Everything You Need to Know About One Helluva Book Club

(and Why You’ll Love It!)

Where are meetings held?

Right from the comfort of your couch! One Helluva Book Club is virtual, so all you need is an internet connection and a cozy spot to join in.

How does the book club work?

We’re all about slow and steady wins the race. We read one chapter a week, then come together to discuss what hit home and what we can actually do with the knowledge. The goal? Turn those pages into progress and take real steps forward in life.

When are the meetings?

We meet at 8:00 pm CST (Thursday and/or Friday), because who doesn’t love unwinding with a good book at the end of the week? Which day you join depends on your book choice—so pick your vibe, and let's dive in!

What time are the meetings, and how long do they last?

We kick things off from 8:00 - 9:00 pm CST. That’s one hour of thought-provoking, life-changing conversation with your soon-to-be best friends. Got plans after? No problem! We keep it short, sweet, and impactful.

What do I need to participate in the meetings?

Bring yourself, your thoughts, and the book. Oh, and maybe a snack or your favorite drink—because deep conversations are always better with a treat!

And don't forget to get a copy of the book you selected.

Is there homework?

Don’t worry, we’re not back in school! But yes, there’s a little something extra. You’ll get a weekly task designed to help you bring the chapter’s teachings into your everyday life. Plus, you’re tasked with reading (just one chapter—easy, right?).

Do I need to participate every week?

Nope, no pressure! But the real magic happens when you join in regularly. The goal is to help you take the steps you might skip if you're flying solo. Showing up = growth, and we’ve got your back every step of the way.

Do I have to speak during the meetings?

Nope, you’re welcome to sit back and soak it all in. But trust us, the conversations get so juicy, you might just find yourself jumping in!

What genres of books do we read?

We’re all about self-improvement here! If it’s going to help you level up in life, that’s our jam. Think personal growth, mindset shifts, and a little inspiration to get you moving.

What if I fall behind in reading?

No stress! Life happens, and we get it. You can still join the conversation, or catch up when you can. The club is all about progress, not perfection.

Can I suggest a book for the club?

Heck yes! We love getting recommendations from our members. Have a book that changed your life or made you think? Let us know, and it might just be next on the list!

How do I join?

Easy peasy! Just click the yellow button below, sign up, grab your book, and show up for the first meeting. We’ll be here waiting to welcome you into the club with open arms (and maybe a virtual high-five)!

Is there a membership fee?

Yes, there's a fee of $39 per book, but if you’re feeling extra ambitious and want to dive into both books, you’ll get a sweet discount! Two book groups, one amazing price—it’s the ultimate book club deal.

Where Do I Get The Book?

You can purchase your book from your favorite book store. Feel free to get whichever version you prefer, print copy or eBook.

Are there refunds?

Since we pour our hearts into creating a one-of-a-kind experience, all sales are final and non-refundable. But trust us, once you dive into the conversations and connections, you won’t want a refund anyway.

Hear It From the Our Members:

Why They Love It Here

"One Helluva Book Club has transformed my reading experience!"

"Engaging discussions has deepened my understanding and appreciation of books. Going through the books surrounded by beautiful people who share the same interests is absolutely amazing. It is such a wonderful and welcoming community that inspires me to explore new genres and ideas. Thank you, Kaprice, for investing your time and energy in creating this awesome community!"

- Tatania B.

"Setting weekly challenges based on the topic of the chapter has really helped me to put the learnings from the book into practice."

"We've all been there.  You read a great self-help book.  You're inspired by the message.  But....you don't put it into practice. Discussing each chapter in depth, hearing different viewpoints, and setting weekly challenges based on the topic of the chapter has really helped me to put the learnings from the book into practice - something I seldom do otherwise.  Plus, the supportive and accepting nature of the community (led by the wonderful Kaprice) allows for a lot of vulnerability as we strive to improve ourselves."

- Nick G.

Unlock The Experience.

Your All-Access Pass.

One Helluva Book Club


The Perfectionist Guide To

Losing Control

Starts October 25th

  • Unlimited Access to Weekly Meetings:

    Join In, Share, and Grow with Us for the Entire Book.

  • 24/7 Group Chat:

    Connect, Chat, and Get Support from Fellow Members Anytime.

  • Accountability & Encouragement:

    Our Community Keeps You Motivated and On Track to Reach Your Goals!

  • Weekly Thursday Meetings Online:

    Your Time to Connect, Learn, and Dive Deep with the Group

No contracts - One Time Fee


New Happy

Starts October 11th

  • Unlimited Access to Weekly Meetings:

    Join In, Share, and Grow with Us for the Entire Book.

  • 24/7 Group Chat:

    Connect, Chat, and Get Support from Fellow Members Anytime.

  • Accountability & Encouragement:

    Our Community Keeps You Motivated and On Track to Reach Your Goals!

  • Weekly Friday Meetings Online:

    Your Time to Connect, Learn, and Dive Deep with the Group.

No contracts - One Time Fee


Both Books

  • Unlimited Access to Weekly Meetings:

    Join In, Share, and Grow with Us for the Entire Book.

  • 24/7 Group Chat:

    Connect, Chat, and Get Support from Fellow Members Anytime.

  • Accountability & Encouragement:

    Our Community Keeps You Motivated and On Track to Reach Your Goals.

  • Weekly Thursday and Friday Meetings Online:

    Your Time to Connect, Learn, and Dive Deep with the Group.

No contracts - One Time Fee

Your Path to Growth Awaits